Choose a pot that is at least a foot deep and has plenty of drainage holes (or add a few more with a drill). Lavender likes dry soil and will fade quickly in overly damp environments.
Claire Gray / Unsplash
Fill the bottom inch or two of your pot with small rocks or pea gravel to help facilitate drainage. Then fill the rest of the container with alkaline, sandy, well-draining potting soil.
Iain Roberts / Unplash
Lavender loves the sun and needs at least eight hours of direct light per day. A south-facing porch or sunny balcony make great locations for your new lavender pots.
Larisa Birta / Unsplash
Let your lavender pot dry out somewhat between waterings. When you do water, do so deeply. Flowering plants will require more water than those without buds.
Volant / Unsplash
Avoid pruning the thick woody branches of the plant. Instead, focus on trimming back the leafy branches. To encourage flower growth, only do a light pruning of dead stalks in the spring.
Heather Ford / Unsplash