Whole foods are any type of food that is unprocessed or very minimally processed. Unprocessed foods include things like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
The three tenants of a whole food diet are: 1. Eat mostly fresh and minimally processed plant- based foods 2. Limit animal foods and oils 3. Limit refined and processed foods
Photo credit: evren_photos/Bigstock
Like vegan and vegetarian diets, whole-food diets center around fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. But these terms are in no way interchangeable. People following a whole food diet can eat meat, eggs, and dairy.
Jukov studio/Shutterstock
Whole Foods Are: • Nutrient Dense • Lower In Calories • Take More Calories to Digest • Fight Disease • Support a Healthier Planet
Anna Pelzer / Unsplash
• Replace refined grains with whole grains at mealtime. • Add more vegetables to your plate. • Make more meals from scratch.
©Kirsten Nunez