Reese Witherspoon Reveals the Green Smoothie Recipe She’s Been Drinking for Nine Years

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Look, we all can’t glow like Reese Witherspoon, but at least we can eat like her. Amid coronavirus quarantine, more and more celebrities have let us into their private lives, sharing their living spaces, their cooking tips, and their support as we all weather the global health crisis.

Now, we’re happy to see Reese Witherspoon raise the curtain and share her favorite breakfast smoothie in a new Instagram video post.

“This is the smoothie that I drink every single day and I have probably for eight years, nine years. But it has a lot of vegetables in it so I have this instead of breakfast. I have it around 10 or 11 o’clock in the morning and then I’m not hungry until 1 o’clock and I want to show you all the ingredients,” she begins her smoothie tutorial.

Witherspoon’s recipe was inspired by the Glowing Green Smoothie recipe from Kimberly Snyder in a bit of an unexpected way. Several years back, Witherspoon was initially introduced to the shake by Kerry Washington when they were seated by each other at an awards show. Witherspoon complimented Washington’s beautiful skin, to which Washington praised this nutrients-packed beverage for its purported powers for enhancing her skin, hair, and nails. The rest, as they say, was chopped up into a blender and history.

Watch the full video below.

Here’s Reese’s full green smoothie ingredients list:

2 heads Romaine lettuce

1/2 cup spinach

1/2 cup coconut water

1 whole banana

1 whole apple

1 whole pear

1 whole lemon

Celery (optional)

Almond butter (optional)

To make: Add all ingredients to blender, pulse until smooth, and get ready to be Legally Glowing.

Share with us: What’s your favorite go-to green smoothie? Do you have a recipe you return to constantly or do you prefer to change things up?

Perri O. Blumberg