An outdoor permaculture garden.

Clean Green Concepts: What Is Permaculture?

Permaculture is more than a way to garden, it’s a lifestyle, much like veganism. Find out what permaculture is and how you can use its principles to turn your yard into an ecosystem oasis.

Microgreens growing in trays on a window sill.

A Beginner’s Guide to Microgreens

Microgreens have exploded in popularity and are a great source of nutrients and phytochemicals. They’re also easy to grow at home! Learn how with our simple beginner’s guide to microgreens.

Zucchini plant growing in a pot outside

How to Grow Productive Zucchini in Pots

If you want to feel like a successful gardener, zucchini is the way to go. Let us show you how to grow zucchini in pots and share our nine tips for a bountiful harvest.

Various types of gourmet, homegrown mushrooms on a wooden cutting board.

How to Grow Your Own Edible Mushrooms Indoors

Growing mushrooms is nothing like growing vegetables, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow them at home. This article will show you how to grow edible mushrooms indoors in 6 easy steps.

Ripe strawberries growing in flower pot

How to Grow Strawberries In Pots In 8 Easy Steps

Strawberries aren’t the easiest crops to grow in containers, but it can be done so long as you do a few key things. In this article, we’ll show you how to grow strawberries in pots to assure a plentiful harvest.

Woman watering fall garden

What to Plant in a Fall Vegetable Garden

A late-season veggie garden is a great way to keep your harvest going well into the colder months. Not sure what to plant in your fall vegetable garden? We’ve got 22 great options that will keep you well supplied in homegrown produce straight into winter.

Woman holding large zucchini like it's a telephone

What to Do with Giant Zucchini

We’ve all been surprised by that oversized zucchini hiding in the garden. Before you toss yours into the compost heap, let us tell you about all the ways you can use giant zucchini in the kitchen.

Genovese basil on a cutting board

How to Harvest and Dry Homegrown Basil

Learn how to harvest this easy to grow herb and how to dry basil using air drying or a dehydrator so you can continue to enjoy your harvest throughout the year.

basil plants ocimum basilicum growing potted outdoor

How to Grow Basil in Pots Year-Round

Basil is a staple in the kitchen and a great way to add flavor to many dishes. Here are six tips for growing basil in pots so this tasty herb is always within arm’s reach.

Sugar Snap Peas Growing in Summer

How to Grow Sweet and Plentiful Sugar Snap Peas

Whether you plant them straight in the ground or in a pot on your patio, growing sugar snap peas is a great way to provide your family with a healthy snack and your garden with some much-needed nitrogen.